Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 5 - What's your Type?

This is the cover for the rap group LOX second album called “We Are The Streets.”  The type of typography that is used is real simple.  I find that I see this kind of font in advertisements geared to the military and army.  When you think of the army and war, you think violence, soldiers, and men needing to channel their emotions to get what needs to be done.  This typography is effective because as I said it has military kind of feel and if you look at the rest of the cover it is displayed on a concrete surface.  This is perfectly targeted to the audience they want to address, because the group is known for their hardcore, street lyrics which displays quite a bit of violence (especially on this album).  Also a lot of hardcore rappers make reference to themselves being “street soldiers,” and this group is no different.  It is almost as if they are saying that themselves and the streets and what goes on in the streets is one with each other.  The type of font used in this album cover has to be stencil or some sort of rendition of it.

This is the cover for the Dark Knight DVD, Again the typography used is nothing to flashy, which keeps is simple.  This is effective, because anyone looking to buy the DVD in stores will not be distracted by some sort of flashy font on the cover.  Having the font stand out on something like this is useless, because the picture of Batman and the Batman logo are the main selling points for the DVD.  Batman has such wide target audience because of the many generations that grew up watching some sort Batman television series.  So even though the movie is targeted for a younger audience, the older audience that will be interested in the movie benefit from the simple yet effective Font used on the front cover.  The type of font used is for this advertisement is Arial.

This is the front cover for a very popular game out right now called God of War 3.  The game is based on a fictional character and Greek mythology, so the typography used is effective for the game because it gives the game an ancient feeling.  While looking at the cover I’m not sure if the typography does anything extra to sell the game or address a certain target audience, considering that the game is targeted towards a younger audience.  However, the typography used does a good job of staying close to the theme, the font used looks like something that would have come out of that time period.  I am not sure what type of font is being used here but I believe that this may be an Imprint font, because this was the font I found looked the closest to having an ancient feeling when you look at it.