Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 6 - your stuff and other stuff

Artist statement:
What inspired me to make my album cover this way is that I saw this picture with the office and the desk and that reminded me of the movie Scarface, more specifically Tony’s office.  Then I decided to use the office to create an album cover that would resemble me being some sort of important person.  I took pictures of myself and put my head at the top of business attire suits multiple time thus leading to the title of the album “1 4 All, All 4 1.”  Sometimes artists put a sticker of featuring artists or hit singles, so I put an imaginary list of artist that I would put on my album if I was a rapper.
1.  What I learned about doing this assignment is that Photoshop is a great tool if you know how to use it.  Looking back on this assignment now, I take into account that I did not utilize the tools that the program offers, therefore lacking my best work when putting this project together.
2. The one thing I do remember from the in class critiques is that someone mentioned that at the bottom right hand corner where I have record label logo, it was hard to make out because of the colors I chose.  I used those colors in the first place to go with the theme of the school colors.  However, I should have used different colors or a different font to make it more legible or I should have made that image bigger. 
This is a website that I got to a lot.  It's, right in the center you get a screen that displays the top four or five highlights and news stories for that particular day

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